Parent Training and Information Centers (PTIs) are funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services. Our mission is to provide parents of children with disabilities training and information to ensure children are prepared to lead productive independent lives. The staff have experience as parents of children with disabilities and have access to a wide range of information. They are available to answer requests for information or to help parents find the answers to more complex problems. Staff also collaborate with parent organizations, state agencies and other organizations in Maine to expand opportunities available to families. Basic services include one-on-one information to parents and professionals concerning needed services, educational rights, and specific disabilities through a toll free statewide telephone number, 1-800-870-7746. We also maintains a TDD, a telecommunication device for individuals with hearing impairments. Other services include educational workshops on a wide variety of topics specific to parent needs as well as core trainings on special education law.
MPF’s central office offers a lending library where families can borrow library books and videos on topics related to education and disabilities as well as signup for the quarterly newsletter, Parent Connection. This website hosts workshops, informational packets, upcoming events and much more.
The project’s objectives are to:
- Provide parents with an array of training and educational opportunities enabling effective participation in developing and implementing their children’s educational program
- Provide the broadest possible access to current information and resources at all levels; and,
- Create collaborative networks of parents, advocates, providers, educators and other support organizations. MPF serves all Maine families of children with disabilities ages birth through age 26 as identified by IDEA. Special emphasis is placed on under served populations and isolated areas.
The contents of this website were developed under a grants from the U.S, Department of Education, H328M150038. However, those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the U.S. Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. Project Officer, Carmen Sanchez